That Goes Where?
Everyone knows about the glorious female G-spot thanks to countless sex toys and guides on where to find it and how to stimulate it. However, few people have any idea about its male counterpart, the P-spot, and the male Perineum. Many think a male orgasm is limited to the rubbing and tugging of his manhood and are ignorant of the Prostate's and Perineum's love of a little stimulation.
It is, therefore, time to unveil the riddle of these excitable and very manly little devils!
Difference Between the Male Perineum & Prostate Gland
It can be confusing, but the Perineum is different from the Prostate.
The Perineum is a thin layer of skin between your scrotum and anus. The Prostate is a gland below the bladder and in front of your rectum.
Perineums are stimulated externally and prostates internally.
Both love special attention and are capable of mind-blowing orgasms.
Tracking Down the Prostate (P-spot)
To find this elusive gland, apply some saucy anal lubricant to your finger and gently massage his anus in a circular motion. Press down several times to add little bursts of lovely pressure. Once you feel he is fully relaxed, gently penetrate his behind with your finger (being sure your nails do not interfere). Probe slowly and gently, as the tissue around the rectum is delicate and extremely sensitive. When you detect a chestnut-sized lump about five cm inside, you have arrived!
Interestingly, Dr Roy Levin stated in the Clinical Anatomy Dec 2017:
“The scientific study of orgasm has always been challenging. Those induced by prostate stimulation have been ignored. We have just started the journey on its discovery road.”
Stimulating the P-erpetrator
Similar to the female G-spot, the P-spot can be elusive, but when you do locate it, you'll have the secret to orgasms you never thought possible. You might want to look at Matilda's stimulating prostate massagers, and butt plugs to give you insights into what delights your man from behind.
Men may love the stimulation, but they all have preferred methods of doing this. For some, a thrusting action is effective, while for others, intense and regular pressure on the Prostate is the best. And some guys like a combination of both. Whichever, if you use toys, let us remind you always to use high-grade ones and lube because your butt is a super susceptible area and needs care.
Patience is paramount with Prostate massage. Ensure your man is ready and comfortable. All memorable backdoor play is a result of focusing as you gently coax him into arousal. If you do this, you will surely lead him into paroxysms of note!
Anal Artillery
While the finger, and sometimes the tongue, is sufficient for first-time anal explorers, others find male sex toys a welcome (if not vital) addition. Anal butt plugs, and toys are ideal for Prostate and Perineum stimulation. There are toys for all tastes, so take your pick. Strike up a harmony between his P-spot and your sex toy, and you will soon have him wrapped around your little finger.
We hope these facts clarify matters for you so you now have the info needed to blow his two Ps out of the water!