Fit a Little Romance & Nookie in Your Crazy Schedule

Fit a Little Romance & Nookie in Your Crazy Schedule

No time for sex in your life these days? Between work, family, etc., you seldom have time for a quickie, let alone an evening of romance? You are not alone. We have a few tips on bringing Loving back into your life and snatching some cheeky quickies in your day.
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Keep Romance & Sex a Top Priority 

Don't Let Everyday Life Kill Your Love Life

Too often, though, Life soon invades our space and sex gets booted out the door. To renew that intimate element, you have to be proactive. You need to dedicate time every day to keep your love life flowing. Here are our tips for fitting intimacy into even the busiest schedule:

1.  Kill the Snooze Button

When your alarm rings in the morning, don't groan and hit the snooze button - Wake up and cuddle! Stroke and caress your partner so that they, too, rise from Dreamland to a sublime morning surprise. Sleep is essential, yes, but 15 minutes of loving touch in the morning will work wonders for you both. You don't have to have actual sex; just holding each other and snuggling is excellent.

2.  Shake It Up in the Shower

You will no doubt shower sometime during your day, so save water and shower together! Use deliciously scented soaps and work up a lather for a gorgeously sexy scrub. Grab some silicone lube, too, for added, super-slippery aquatic fun.

Don't limit your romance to the shower—the bath does just as well. Giggle together in clouds of bubbly foam, give titillating underwater massages and savour each other's nakedness. 

3.  Sexty Little Somethings

 Let them know that, at that particular moment, you are thinking of them and only them.

There is nothing like a loving little reminder to show your loved one during their day that you care. Send a quick text to add a smile to their day while they're away. Slip a little love note into their pocket or lunchbox. Let them know that, at that particular moment, you were thinking of them and only them. Breathe on their romantic side - ignite their desires. Make him feel like a Romeo or her, like your sex goddess.

4.  Make Eyes at Them Across the Coach / Desk

If you travel to work together or work in the same office, catch her eye in the coach or give him a "Come hither" wink across the office. Let them know work is the last thing on your mind right now.

5.  Bring on the Sex Toys

Time and time again, we hear how sex toys, including couples' toys, have revolutionised our customers' lives and how grateful they are to have the excitement back. If you're the naughty type, try a vibrating egg or vibrating panties while you’re out on the town. Give your partner the remote, then see if you can remain straight-faced while they play. We bet your cover will be blown within just a few wriggling moments!

See our Beginners Guide to Sex Toys for further saucy suggestions.

6.  Add a Bit of Spice to Your Rice

Ladies, bring out the minx in you - when your partner comes home tonight, be there in your barely-there apron (and nothing else) and sexy stilettos with crooning music in the background. Give them the saucy surprise they were not expecting. 

7.  Be Daring on Date Night

No matter how difficult it might be to plan a Date Night, do it! Date Nights are romantic, therapeutic, and essential for your relationship to thrive. Have them at home or off your patch (try a new restaurant, go to a movie, or stroll hand in hand around the local park). Date Nights create a cosy little world for just the two of you.

8.  Have a Candlelit Dinner at Home

There's nothing like romantic music, a glass of wine and a cosy dinner to light the fires.

Now and then, send the kids to Granny and surprise your love with a romantic candlelight dinner at home. For novelty, you could set the table on the patio, the sofa, in the study, or the TV lounge. Prepare your Special Love's favourite meal, play their favourite music, look your absolute best, and flirt outrageously. When the meal is finished, throw in a seductive massage with scented massage candles. This is your night alone together - make it spectacular. 

9.  Make Memories Together

Memories are almost the only things in our lives that don't fade, tear, rust, wear, tarnish or spoil. They are ours for the rest of our lives. That crazy moment when he got more icing on your face than on your birthday cake, or when she taught you to ski slalom on the lagoon - each is a precious gem now locked away forever in your chest of Golden Memoirs.

10.  Always Try to Look Your Best for Your Love

Nothing could be more toxic to romance than a sight not to behold. Yes, guys, that means bin those holey under rods! 

Be honest - what makes you feel warm and fuzzy for your partner - when they're slopping around in too-big, totally decrepit PJs & pantoffels or dressed as if going to the Ritz? Show your mate you care by caring how you look. P.S. Relax - jeans and a T-shirt are acceptable now and again, but be sure not to look as if you've just stepped out of the wringer.

11.  Buy Them a Gift Now & Again

Remember how, when you were still dating, you would buy gifts or give each other surprises constantly? Remember the thrill and romance of that? You bought her flowers; she bought you your favourite CD... Then Life happened. Why not start this little habit again? Buy them a surprise today, and watch them glow with appreciation.!

12.  A Dash of Cologne

Though seemingly insignificant, giving cologne/perfume has been the Number One "I love you" token since the beginning of dating. Remember how one whiff of your man's aftershave or your lady's scent got your head spinning in all sorts of delightful directions? We say, "Bring back that sentimentalism and fully embrace the magic!"

13. Slap & Tickle

Let the imp in you run free! Give your man a naughty little pat on his backside as he passes, or your woman a jaunty little pinch on hers in the supermarket. It's naughty, it's unexpected and it's nice!

14.  I Love You

Do we really have to add this one? YES, WE DO!  As humans, we yearn to know we are loved; as lovers, we need to know we are loved above all others. We need to hear it over and over again. Don't make the fatal mistake of assuming your loved one knows it - that has been the death of many a flourishing love affair. TELL them again and again. And again. We all thrive on hearing sweet little nothings, and these three words are the most endearing of all.

Here are our 14 top tips on making time for and shaking up the amour love in your life. Try at least one per day, and dare to be delighted!