How Well Do you Know Your Clitoris?

How Well Do You Know Your Clitoris?

Recent scientific discoveries reveal that the clitoris is a lot more complex than originally thought, with a much more extensive (and deeper) sensitive reach. This means it has a greater area responsive to stimulation and, regarding orgasms, is thus of much greater significance than it has been credited with.

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Understanding the Secrets of Your Clitoris

There is More to It Than Meets the Eye

Recent discoveries show that the clitoris goes far deeper than the bit you see. The popular consensus was that the magic button was quite uncomplicated, but that was until scientists Pierre Foldes and Odile Buisson, proved otherwise. Using 3D Ultrasound to make their study of the aroused clitoris, they found that the full clitoral system (which science calls the "clitoral complex") is way more intricate and ingenuous than ever imagined. 

Their research proved that there is much more to the clitoris than meets the eye. It turns out that the visible clitoris is only the "head" of everything beneath. They also found that the rest of the clitoral system remains mostly inactive until stimulated. When aroused, the head becomes erect. Then two clitoral arms called the corpus cavernosa, swell up from the clitoral head, to reach down and all the way around either side of the vagina. (These arms are responsible for much of the pleasure experienced in normal vaginal sex.)

In addition, the ultrasound showed that the clitoris extends inside the pubic bone towards the G-spot, wrapping its arms around the vaginal entrance in the shape of a wishbone. Strangely, the vaginal walls themselves are not overly sensitive to touch. This is why the majority of women do not climax purely from lovemaking - they need other stimulation. In fact, research shows that only 25% of women experience regular orgasms purely through intercourse. Author Elisabeth Lloyd details in her book "The Case of the Female Orgasm", that about 70% of women do not achieve a blissful climax without some sort of clitoral stimulation. She also discovered that an orgasm does not depend on the duration of lovemaking, penis size or rhythm.

It's all about the clitoris, both inside and out. This erotic button's sole purpose is to provide sexual pleasure. With an incredible 8,000 nerve endings, the clitoris is the most sensitive erogenous zone of the female body. This explains why it holds such a key role. Once the button is awakened, the entire "clitoral complex" is awakened, leading to stronger and more frequent orgasms and pleasure, even during lovemaking.

Clitoral Stimulation Techniques

Stimulating the clitoris is relatively easy for both parties and once the clitoral system is aroused, some sex positions offer greater clitoral contact than others to maintain the magic. One can also include specially designed toys to awaken the system. There are many dedicated to clitoral stimulation, making delicious solo exploration is also possible.

Sex toys make orgasm easy to attain and can deliver a host of new sensations for her to test,  such as vibrating, pulsating, throbbing, escalating, etc. A note for eager lovers - it is important to remember just how sensitive her little button is, especially when using a toy. Please start slowly. Once the clitoris has adjusted to the vibrations, you can begin to increase pressure and thoroughly engage.

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